Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life in Pictures

Where I work, chill, and sleep: FundaciĆ³n Alas Centro de Jovenil de el barrio 12 de Mayo.

From left to right: Jose Manuel, Pablito, me

To the right on the horizon is the Centro de Mendoza, up the road to the right past the red roof is the missionaries' barrio, and to the left you can see a line of houses. Those are the government built houses that are sort of part of the barrio I work in. I went hiking near the missionaries' house. This was about a 45 minute hike from their house.

The view I got hiking by myself in the Andes while Esteban was fishing. We headed up to the mountains for a day of rest. This is about 30 miles outside Mendoza.

It rocked.

I saw a Guanaco, like a Llama with short hair.

Although life is beautiful there are also some really hard things going on. Please pray for wisdom as there are some extremely tough situations in the Barrio right now: one with a little girl possibly being exploited sexually with her parents knowledge. Another with a pregnant girl involved in prostitution, the last time she was pregnant her mom forced her to abort the baby after 3 months using 12 day after pills. Please pray that Esteban and Gina would know what to do and who to involve. We serve a God who is in control, who is abounding is love, and I trust Him. I love you all!

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. and there you are carrying my old REI backpack to places it's never been. I'm glad you got a day of hiking and rest. Very good idea. Praying....Mom
